

When I met Tanya Brown 13 years ago, I  would never have thought she would be so influential in my life and her family and herself be such treasured friends and supporters of our organization, Crime Survivors, Inc., and that of myself personally. She truly is good at what she does with her speakings, presentations and life coaching for so many in need. If I have and still need a boost, she is always willing to take the time to listen, care and support and I'm so very grateful and honored to work with her and to collaborate and partner to help and support so many others in need of hopeful healing. 

Tanya! I just heard you speak tonight at JFFC, you were amazing! Thank you for doing what you are doing and being such a positive light and force. Thank you for speaking and educating the community about DV. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist and work with a young adult population at Chapman University in Orange. I also have a small private practice in corona del mar and I took away many of the things you said tonight and will share them with my clients and friends. Again, Thank YOU!!!

-Ashley Ball

Tanya has helped me in so many ways with getting what I believe is my purpose in life started. She has coached me on the small things that makes people good at what they. Tanya interest and positive energy is off the charts.

Dear Tayna,

Where do I start ? Firstly it was so amazing to meet you, you are the most relatable, positive, happy spirited person I have ever met.

I was bragging to my neighbor , of 17 years who is like a second mom to me about this amazing inspirational speaker we had at the Success Club today, actually probably the best speaker in 4 years, she asked who the speaker was and once I told her your name she smiled, complimented you and said she and her sisters spent many hours in the Brown household.  I live next door to Camie Fromm, my good high school friends are Lara, Krista and Aimee Fromm’s children. Mama Jo has been part of my childhood. Small world. Camie could not say enough wonderful things about you and your family.

I just wanted to thank you so very much for everything you do and for making a difference. Many of my friends texted me saying how impactful you were today and how they could relate and needed that information.

I know my Forensics teacher will be over the moon tomorrow when I tell her about your generous offer to speak to her class.

You were the first speaker for the year and you set the standards very high !

thanks again

Tanya has helped me in so many ways with getting what I believe is my purpose in life started. She has coached me on the small things that makes people good at what they. Tanya interest and positive energy is off the charts.


Creator of the six week get back to wholeness program

I could manage life’s general stressors, but I didn’t have a template to manage agony.

When my son acquired a brain disease, I grieved, suffered and agonized for years over a plethora of circumstance I had “no control over”. I eventually became emotionally numb, stuck, and unable to identify my own feelings and needs. Tanya helped me uncover self-sabotaging behaviors and set me on a strong path of self-love and care. Through her daily coaching and homework, I was able to identify what I was feeling and subsequently needing. I’d been punishing and robbing myself of joy that was unconsciously conjoined with deep feelings of grief and sorrow. Through her guidance, I slowly began to override my natural reactions of worry and despair with supernatural responses of faith, hope, acceptance and gratitude. Today, despite my circumstances, I’m more positively focused and can now interrupt unwanted thoughts and emotional patterns.  

Mary Palafox RN  

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